Component is the real replaceable part in the system

Writer: admin Time:2019-12-10 14:14 Browse:

Component is the actual replaceable part of the system, which realizes specific functions, conforms to a set of interface standards and implements a set of interfaces. A component represents a part of a physical implementation of a system, including software code (source code, binary code, or executable code) or its equivalent (such as a script or command file). In the figure, the component is represented as a rectangle with a label.
In engineering practice, all kinds of machines and structures are widely used. The components of machinery and structure are collectively referred to as components in engineering mechanics.
The components have the following characteristics:
(1) Self Description: the component must be able to identify its attributes, access methods and events, which can make the development environment seamlessly integrate the third-party software components;
(2) customizable: it is allowed to provide a typical graphical environment, and the attributes of software components can only be set through the control panel;
(3) integrability: components must be directly controlled by programming language. Component can also be connected with script language or with environment accessing component from code level, which makes software component can be used in non visual development project;

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